Well it's that time of year again. Trees budding. birds chirping, and Sarah graduating college.
On May 27th in a fancy Yale Chapel, I will get my Bachelors in Fine Art, specializing in Photography & Digital Media. But before all that happens, Paier College of Art gives us a final showing, with focus just senior photography majors. So all 4 of us will be exhibiting our most recent ventures at the Madison Arts Cinema in Madison, Connecticut. Its a large variety of work, that is all I will say. Over the past 4 years we have all changed so much, not only in who we are as people, but who we are as artists. I went from a girl who was photographing whatever was around, to creating specific sets with particular lighting and placement. I have learned to take everything I do with as much seriousness as I can, where I did far from that 4 years ago. I learned to slow down and pay super close attention to what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. One thing that I am so grateful I've learned is what I like and what I don't like. I can be halfway through a project, stop, rip it up, and start fresh. There is some sort of feeling of accomplishment I get when I see on the enlarger or the back of my camera and it matches what I visualized in my head.
So this is a big thank you to a lot of people. First off my parents, who without them (and their funding) I probably would be doing something very lame and boring. My Dad who always was the best person to bounce ideas off of, who would help me measure my mats since I am fraction handicapped, and putting together my frames at 10:30 at night when I had a show the next day. My mother, who as much as it drives me insane, she is my biggest fan. She always had a positive outlook on my future as an artist. My sister who no matter what I was doing, supported it, modeled willingly whenever I needed it, and was never a critic, which you need sometimes. My cousin Liz, where would I be without her! She, a photographer herself, took the seed I had of interested in photography, and guided me in all the right directions. And of course my teachers. Terry Falk, Peter Benson, Glen Curtis, Richard Hoyer, they all showed me how to grow and let me grown and develop into what I am today.
Also my fellow classmates, it was never a competition between us, but a nurturing environment where we all fed off each other, in a good way. And my friends, Logan, Never missing one of my art shows, Ken, always thinking my work was amazing no matter how much it sucked, and David for providing me with an amazing opportunity to work with him.
THANK YOU ALL! Hope to see you all at the show!
I should be thanking YOU for putting up with all of the dealings that need to get done at the studio and you actually getting them done. It's been MY pleasure to work with YOU.